翟媛媛 女 (1990年05月)
博士 讲师 河南焦作市人
E-mail: 2022918@imust.edu.cn
2010.09-2014.07 郑州大学,计算机科学与技术(生物信息处理方向)专业,学士
2014.09-2017.07 内蒙古大学,生物物理学专业,硕士
2017.09-2022.06 内蒙古大学,物理学专业,博士
2022.07-至今 内蒙古科技大学,生命科学与技术学院,讲师
[1] Yuan-Yuan Zhai, Qian-Zhong Li, Ying-Li Chen, Lu-Qiang Zhang. Identification of key histone modifications and hub genes for colorectal cancer metastasis. Current Bioinformatics, 2022, 17(2):206-216.
[2] Yuan-Yuan Zhai, Ying-Li Chen, Qian-Zhong Li, Lu-Qiang Zhang. Exploration of the hub genes and miRNAs in lung adenocarcinoma. Oncology Letters, 2019, 18(2):1713-1722.
[3] Yuan-Yuan Zhai, Ying-Li Chen, Yue Jiang, Qian-Zhong Li. Weighted gene co-expression network analysis of gene modules for lung adenocarcinoma. 5th International Conference on Systems and Informatics, ICSAI 2018. United States: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc, 2019, 473-477.
[4] 翟媛媛, 李前忠, 陈颖丽. H3K79me3在结直肠癌EMT-MET过程中的作用, 内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 53(02):150-157.
[5] Hui Bai, Qian-Zhong Li, Ye-Chen Qi, Yuan-Yuan Zhai, Wen Jin. The prediction of tumor and normal tissues based on the DNA methylation values of ten key sites. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Gene Regulatory Mechanisms, 2022, 1865(6):194841.