
蔡禄 男(1964年8月)
博士 教授 内蒙古呼和浩特市人 博士生导师
1980.09-1984.07 内蒙古大学物理系学习, 理学学士
1984.09-1987.07 内蒙古大学物理系学习, 生物物理学硕士
1996.09-2000.70 内蒙古大学物理系学习, 生物物理学博士
2000.09-2002.09 清华大学生物系, 生物信息学博士后
2002.10-2003.11 美国德克萨斯A & M大学系统健康科学中心,生物科学与技术研究所,访问学者。
2014.10-2015.04 美国凯斯西储大学医学院遗传学与基因组学系,访问学者
1987.8-1990.10 内大物理系,助教
1990.10-1991.4 内大物理系,讲师
1991.5-1995.09 包头钢铁学院基础部,讲师
1995.10-2000.6 包头钢铁学院基础,副教授
2000.7-2003.12 包头钢铁学院生物与化学工程系,教授,系主任
2004.1-2004.12 内蒙古科技大学生命科学学院,教授,院长,硕士生导师。
2005.1-2009.01 内蒙古科技大学生物与化学工程学院,教授,院长,博士生导师。
2009.2-2016.02 内蒙古科技大学数理与生物工程学院,教授,院长,博士生导师。
2016.3-2016.09 内蒙古科技大学生命科学与技术学院,教授,院长,博士生导师。
2016.10-今 内蒙古科技大学学科建设专门委员会主任,教授,博士生导师。
1. 成果名称:地沟油及能源微藻为原料制备生物柴油的关键技术研究,获奖等级:内蒙古自治区科技进步奖二等奖,2019.4
2. 成果名称:相互作用网络及染色质结构水平遗传信息组织、传递规律的生物信息学研究,获奖等级:内蒙古自治区自然科学奖一等奖,2015.11
3. 成果名称:内蒙古自治区2013年度中青年科技创新奖,2014年11月
4. 成果名称:人类基因组三核苷酸重复序列的结构和动力学及其在相关领域中应用的研究,获奖等级:内蒙古自治区科技进步奖一等奖,2006.12
5. 成果名称:基因序列的信息学研究,获奖等级:国家自然科学奖三等奖,1999年12月
6. 成果名称:关于Cu2S/CdS多晶薄膜异质结太阳电池电导机构的研究,获奖等级:冶金部科技进步三等奖,1995.12
3.成果名称:普通工科院校数理教学基地建设的思考与实践,获奖等级:内蒙古自治区教学成果奖一等奖,2014.2,蔡禄 张雪峰 石琳 赵团 杨友松
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,低氧诱导因子介导小鼠神经细胞pre-mRNA可变剪接的分子机制(62071259),2021.1-2024.12
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,工业粉尘对大鼠肺巨噬细胞基因可变剪接的影响及生物效应(61671256),2017.1-2020.12
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,可变剪接相关生物大分子相互作用网络的构建与分析(61271448),2013.1-2016.12
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于基因组序列和结构特征的核小体定位的理论和实验研究(61072129), 2010.1-2013.12
5. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,基于蛋白质二级结构的蛋白质相互作用及网络的研究(60761001),2008.1-2010.12
6. 国家自然科学基金地区项目,与人遗传病相关的DNA重复序列柔性的实验和理论研究(30460038),2005.1-2007.12
7. 包头市企业创新能力建设项目,内蒙古自治区表观遗传学与生物信息学科技创新团队(20140401),2015.1-2016.12
8. 内蒙古自治区重大基础研究开放课题,城市有机废弃物厌氧发酵过程强化的研究(201503001-4-3),2015.1-2017.12
9. 内蒙古自治区重点实验室支持项目,能源微藻制备生物柴油工艺集成,2012.1-2014.12
10. 生物大分子国家重点实验室开放课题,DNA序列特征对酵母核小体定位及自主复制序列活性的调控作用,2011.1-2012.12
11. 教育部春晖计划,秸秆制备燃料乙醇的研究(教外司留[2008]704号),2008.7-2010.7
12. 内蒙古自治区高等学校科学基金,秸秆化学法合成乙醇基燃料的产业化(NJzy08233),2009.1-2010.12
13. 包头市科技攻关项目,生物法制备燃料乙醇(2008Y1002-1),2008.1-2009.12
14. 内蒙古人才建设基金,蛋白质相互作用的预测及网络的构建,2007.1-2008.12
15. 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金重点项目,DNA动力学结构统计力学模型和实验检验(200508010102)2005.1-2007.12
16. 留学回国人员科研启动基金,与人遗传病相关的重复序列结构与遗传不稳定性关系研究, 2006.9-2008.9 (教外司留[2006]331号)
17. 包头市科技攻关项目,肉苁蓉大规模培养、药用成分提取的产业化研究,2006.9-2008.12
18. 内蒙古自治区高等学校科学基金,蛋白质相互作用的预测及相互作用网络的构建 (NJ02116)
19. 中国博士后科学基金,基因组序列动力学结构研究,2001.9-2002.9
20. 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金,与遗传病有关的三核苷酸重复DNA的结构和动力学研究 (20001302) ,2000.9-2002. 9
1. 内蒙古自治区高等教育科学研究“十二五”规划课题,工程化应用型生物工程人才培养模式的综合改革研究,2016.7-2018.7
2. 内蒙古科技大学教学改革重点项目,生物工程专业综合改革,2014.9-2017.9,20万
3. 内蒙古自治区“十一五”高等教育科学规划课题,科研反哺教学,促进创新人才培养研究与实践,2012.9-2014.9
4. 内蒙古自治区“十一五”高等教育科学规划课题,工科院校理科教学基地建设的思考与实践,2012.9-2014.9
6.内蒙古科技大学教学改革项目,本科生提前进入实验室参加科学研究工作的探讨,2007.10-2008.10 (JY2007048)
1.教育部第三轮学科评估专家,2012 年
3.2008 年自治区自然科学奖学科组及终评委员会评审专家
5.教育部留学回国人员基金评审专家,2008-2013 年
12.国内外学术刊物Bioinformatics,J Membrane Biology,J Theor Biol.,Gene,Mol. Biol. Rep.,PlosOne,生物物理与生物化学进展,生物物理学报审稿人
5. 自治区首届优秀教材奖——《生物信息学》主编
11. 自治区草原英才“城市有机废弃物能源化利用产业创新人才团队”(一层次)
1. Hongyu Zhao, Mingxin Guo, Fenghui Zhang, Xueqin Shao, Guoqing Liu,Yongqiang Xing, Xiujuan Zhao, Liaofu Luo* and Lu Cai*. Nucleosome assembly and disassembly in vitro are governed by chemical kinetic principles. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2021, 9:762571. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.762571
2. Jun Li, Hongyu Zhao, Yongqiang Xing, Tongling Zhao, Lu Cai*, Zuwei Yan*. A genome-wide analysis of the gene expression and alternative splicing events in a whole-body hypoxic preconditioning mouse model. Neurochem. Res. 2021, 46(5), 1101-1111. DOI:10.1007/s11064-021-03241-0.
3. Hongyu Zhao, Zhiyan Jiang, Runchao Lv, Xue Li, Yongqiang Xing, Yanrong Gao, Da Lv, Yangming Si, Jingyan Wang, Jun Li, Xiujuan Zhao, Lu Cai*. Transcriptome profile analysis reveals a silica-induced immune response and fibrosis in a silicosis rat model. Toxicol Lett. 2020, 25:333:42-48.
4. Xing Y, Yang W, Liu G, Cui X, Meng H, Zhao H, Zhao X, Li J, Liu Z, Zhang MQ and Cai L*. Dynamic Alternative Splicing During Mouse Preimplantation Embryo Development. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. 2020, 8:35.
5. Hongyu Zhao, Fenghui Zhang, Mingxing Guo, Yongqiang Xing, Guoqing Liu, Xiujuan Zhao, and Lu Cai*, The affinity of DNA sequences containing R5Y5 motif and TA repeats with 10.5-bp periodicity to histone octamer in vitro. J Biomol Struct Dyn. 2019, 37(8):1935-1943.
6. 邢永强* 何泽学 刘国庆 蔡禄* 拟南芥不同组织基因表达及可变剪接差异分析. 生物化学与生物物理进展. 2019,46(11):1118-1129.
7. Guoqing Liu, Yongqiang Xing, Hongyu Zhao, Lu Cai & Jianying Wang,The implication of DNA bending energy for nucleosome positioning and sliding. Sci. Rep. 2018, 8:8853
8. Guoqing Liu, Yongqiang Xing, Hongyu Zhao, Jianying Wang, Yu Shang and Lu Cai*, A deformation energy-based model for predicting nucleosome dyads and occupancy. Sci. Rep. 2016, 6:24133
9. Yongqiang Xing, Xiujuan Zhao, Tao Yu, Dong Liang, Jun Li, Guanyun Wei, Guoqing Liu, Xiangjun Cui, Hongyu Zhao, Lu Cai*, MiasDB: A Database of Molecular Interactions Associated with Alternative Splicing of Human Pre-mRNAs. Plos One, 2016, 11(5): e0155443.
10. Xiang-Jun CuiLu Cai, Yong-Qiang Xing, Xiu-Juan Zhao, Chen-Xia Shi,Influence factors on the correlations between expression levels of neighboring pattern genes. Biosystem, 2016, 139:23-28.
11. Guoqing Liu*, Yongqiang Xing, Lu Cai*. Using weighted features to predict recombination hotspots in Saccharomy cescerevisiae. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2015, 382:15-22
12. Hongyu Zhao, Yongqiang Xing, Guoqing Liu, Ping Chen, Xiujuan Zhao, Guohong Li*, Lu Cai*. GAA triplet-repeats cause nucleosome depletion in the human genome. Genomics, 2015, 106:88-95
13. G-Q Liu* F Feng X-J Zhao and L Cai*, Nucleosome Organization around Pseudogenes in the Human GenomeHindawi Publishing Corporation. BioMed Research International 2015, Article ID 821596
14. Wantong Si, Jumei Liu, Lu Cai, Haiming Jiang, Chunli Zheng, Xiaoying He, Jianying Wang and Xuefeng Zhang. Health Risks of Metals in Contaminated Farmland Soils and Spring Wheat Irrigated with Yellow River Water in Baotou, China. Bull Environ Contam Toxicol (2015) 94:214–219
15. Alok Sharma, Hieu Nguyen, Lu Cai and Hua Lou, Histone hyperacetylation and exon skipping: a calcium-mediated dynamic regulation in cardiomyocytes. Nucleus, 2015, 6(4):273-278)
16. Yongqiang Xing, Guoqing Liu, Xiujuan Zhao, Hongyu Zhao and Lu Cai*, Genome-wide characterization and prediction of Arabidopsis thaliana replication origins. Biosystem 2014, 124:1-6)
17. Binjie Zang,Guoqing Liu and Lu Cai, Predicting recombination hot/cold spots in Saccharomyces cerevisiae from multiple information. Chinese SCI Bull. 2014; 59(11):953.
18. Yong-qiang Xing & Guo-qing Liu & Xiu-juan Zhao &Lu Cai*,An analysis and prediction of nucleosome positioning based on information content. Chromosome Res. (2013) 21:63–74
19. Chunli Zheng Yanjun Li Li Nie Lin Qian Lu Cai* Jianshe Liu, Transcriptional and Functional Studies of a Cd(II)/Pb(II)-Responsive Transcriptional Regulator(CmtR)from Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans ATCC 23270. Curr. Microbiol. 2012: 65(2):117-121
20. Guoqing Liu; Jia Liu; Xiangjun Cui; Lu Cai, Sequence-dependent prediction of recombination hotspots in Saccharomyces cerevisiae J Theor. Biol. (2012) 293: 49-54
21. Yongqiang Xing Xiujuan Zhao and Lu Cai*, Prediction of nucleosome occupancy in Saccharomyces cerevisiae using position-correlation scoring function. Genomics (2011) 98:359-366
22. Libing Ma, Lu Cai, Jiajia Li, Xiuli Chen and Fengyu Ji, Two-staged nuclear transfer can enhance the developmental ability of goat–sheep interspecies nuclear transfer embryos in vitro. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. (2011) 47(2):95-103.
23. Jiantao Yu, Maozu Guo, Chris J. Needham, Yangchao Huang, Lu Cai and David R. Westhead, Simple sequence-based kernels do not predict protein-protein interactions. Bioinformatics (2010) 26(20):2610-2614
24. Xiujuan Zhao Zhiyong Pei Jia Liu and Lu Cai*, Prediction of Nucleosome DNA Formation Potential and Nucleosome Positioning Using Increment of Diversity Combined with Quadratic Discriminant Analysis, Chromosome Res. (2010) 18:777-785
25. Guoqing Liu, Hong Li, Lu Cai. Processed pseudogenes are located preferentially in regions of low recombination rates in the human genome. (2010) J. Evol. Biol. 23(5):1107–1115.
26. S-H Kim, Lu Cai, M. J. Pytlos, and R. R. Sinden, Ligation of (CAG)n•(CTG)n repeats flanked with only G and C overhang ends produces long uninterrupted repeats in vitro. (2005) BioTechniques 38(2) 247-253
27. Lu Cai, DNA Curvature of (CCTG)n·(CAGG)n and (ATTCT)n·(AGAAT)n Repeats Sequences, (2005) International J Mod. Phys. B 19(15-17) 2921-2926
28. Lu Tsai, Liaofu Luo and Zhirong Sun, Sequence-dependent flexibility in promoter sequences. (2002) J.Biomolec. Struc. Dynam. 20(1), 127-134
29. Lu Tsai and Zhirong Sun, The dynamic flexibility in Escherichia coli genome. (2001). FEBS Letters 507(2),225-230.
30. Lu Tsai and Liaofu Luo, A statistical mechanical model for predicting B-DNA curvature and flexibility (2000, 11 月) J. Theor. Biol. 207, 177-194
31. Liaofu Luo, Weijiang Lee , Lijun Jia, Fengmin Ji and Lu Tsai, Statistical correlation of nucleotides in a DNA sequence, Phys. Rev. E,1998,Vol.58,No.1,861
32. Liaofu Luo Lu Tsai and Weijiang Lee, Model of evolution of Molecular Sequence, Phys. Rev. A ,1990,Vol.41,5441-5450
33. L.F.Luo L.Tsai and Y.M.Zhou,The informational parameters of nucleic acid and molecular evolution, J. Theor. Biol.,1988,Vol.130,351-361
34. Luo Liaofu and Cai Lu,Squeezing effect from photon scattering,Chinese Phys. Lett. 1986, Vol.3 No.145-47
35. Luo Liaofu and Cai Lu,Fractal dimension of Nucleic Acid sequences and Its Relation to Evolutionary Level,Chinese Phys. Lett.,1988,Vol.5,No.9,421
29.XiangJi, Jinrong Wang, Xiaoli Miao, Kaihua Liu and Lu Cai*. Stress of nutrients deficiency on growth and lipid accumulation in oil-rich Navicula sp. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 521, p 68-71, 2014, Sustainable Energy (EI: 20141117442278)
30.Lu Cai, Zhiyong Pei, Sheng Qin and Xiujuan Zhao Prediction of Protein-Protein Interactions in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Based on Protein Secondary Structure 2012 International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Biotechnology (ICBEB) Marco, 413-415 (EI:20124015484716)
31.Ji Xiang Zhang Shaomig and Cai Lu* A two-step heterogeneous catalyzed process for biodiesel production Advanced Materials Research, v 512-515, p 330-333, 2012, Renewable and Sustainable Energy II (EI:20122315084505 CPCI-S WOS:000312119900066)
32.Wang Lei Wang Wangui Ji Xiang andCai Lu* Screening of lignin-degrading fungus and its potential use in biopulping 16th International Symposium on Wood, Fiber and Pulping Chemistry - Proceedings, ISWFPC, v 2, p 1158-1162, 2011, (EI:20120314681441)
33.Hongyu Zhao, Yue Zhao, Rong Chai, Lu Cai*,Instability of the DNA repeats mutation in humans hereditary disorders,2011 International Conference on Remote Sensing, Environment and Transportation Engineering(RSETE 2011),6899-6902.(EI:20113614293516)
34.Lei Wang Wangui Wang Xiang Ji and Lu Cai*, Biodegradation of lignin by the white rot fungus Polyporus varius and its promising potential for biopulping. ICMREE2011-Proceedings 2011 International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy and Environment, v 1, p 464-468, 2011 (EI 20113014174557)
35.Xiang Ji Zhihui Zhang and Lu Cai*, Culture of chlorella spp and optimization of growth condition. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 71-78, p 2887-2890, 2011, Frontiers of Green Building, Materials and Civil Engineering (EI:20114414470614)
36.Lu Cai, Sheng Qin and Zhiyong Pei. Hub-protein classification and interaction rules in protein-protein interaction networks in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FSKD'11 2011,shanghai. (EI20114014401024)
37.Lu Cai and Ji Xiang. Studies on the Isolation of Lipase-producing Strain and Immobilized Condition. Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2010), 2010.3 -Proceedings (EI 20102212971455)
38.Xiujuan Zhao, Zhiyong Pei, Jia Liu, Sheng Qin, Songye Ren , Lu Cai* Nucleosome Positioning Prediction in C. elegans Based on Increment of Diversity combined with quadratic discriminant analysis. The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computer Theory and Engineering (ICACTE 2010) V1-266-268 (EI:20104613373624)
39.Lu Cai, Jia Liu and Xiujuan Zhao, Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction Using Increment of Diversity Combined with Quadratic Discriminant Analysis. The 2010 International Congress on Computer Applications and Computational Science (CACS 2010), December 2010, Singapore (EI)
40.季祥, 张智慧, 蔡禄*. Technology of producing biodiesel from spent bleaching earth. Power and Energy Engineering Conference (PEEC 2010) September 2010, Wuhan, 231-233 (ISTP:000290185600053)
41.季祥,王金荣,蔡禄*. 营养盐胁迫对富油舟形藻生长和油脂积累的影响研究中国可再生能源科技发展大会论文集 (2010) 920-922. (ISTP)
42.于建涛,郭茂祖,蔡禄. 蛋白质相互作用及其网络预测方法研究进展.(2007年12月)电子学报,35(B12):1-7. (EI, 082411312783)
43.蔡禄,孙之荣,大肠苷菌基因组结构柔性的研究,(2001,12月) 电子学报, 29(12A), 1759-1761 (EI:2002256980727)
44.展铁政,蔡禄,张春燕,CdS/CdTe--CdS/Cu2S异质二重结薄膜太阳能电池的设计与计算,太阳能学报,1994,Vol.15,No.1, 50-56(EI:1994011197398)
45.展铁政,张春燕,蔡禄,多晶CdS/Cu2S异质结太阳能光电流及转换效率的计算,太阳能学报,1993,Vol.14,No.4,317-324 (EI, 1994071333550)
46.Lu Cai, A statistical mechanical model on sequence-dependent DNA dynamic structure, (2004.9) International Workshop on Structures and Dynamics of Free and Deposited Clusters, Lanzhou, China (ISTP 955PE)
47.Tsai Lu and Luo Liaofu, The empirical prediction of B-DNA local helical twist and related theoretical implications, Proceedings of International symposium on Theor. biophys. and Biomath.1997,Inner Mongolia University,23-28 (ISTP BJ54P)
1. 蔡禄(主编) 邢永强 崔向军 刘国庆 崔大超,生物信息学(62万字),2017年,北京,科学出版社
2. 蔡禄,生物信息学(41万字),2006年,北京,化学工业出版社
3. 陈铭主编,蔡禄参编(8万字),生物信息学,2012年,北京,科学出版社
4. 蔡禄主编,表观遗传学前沿(50万字),2012年,北京,清华大学出版社
5.司万童,蔡禄,蒋海明,刘菊梅,王建英,张雪峰,于污染场地两栖类保护型的W 型人工,发明专利:ZL201410031842.3
13.司万童,刘菊梅,蒋海明,蔡禄,王建英,用于污染场地两栖类保护型的W 型人工,实用新型:ZL201420043400.0。
15.潘建刚,蔡禄,高国日,张艾艾,常亚,一种半自动浮萍采集、晾晒装置,实用新型: ZL201320644518.X
为本科生、研究生讲授过《量子力学》《非平衡统计物理学》《大学物理学》《生物物理学》《生物信息学》《大数据与精准医学》《遗传学研究进展》和《分子遗传学》等课程。 自治区“生物信息学”精品课及一流课主讲,自治区《生物信息学》优秀教材主编。